NicolaiBolas returns with five more tips for playing Cube Draft.
NicolaiBolas returns with five more tips for playing Cube Draft.
NicolaiBolas talks about Combat Tricks: on offense, on defense, and when holding them back is so very good.
Starting to play Limited Magic: the Gathering is a real challenge. NicolaiBolas returns with some helpful tips for new players looking to improve their win rate.
Be ready to climb up the ladder (either in Limited or the family business) with these 5 tips from NicolaiBolas.
We all lose games of Magic sometimes. But what you do with those losses and how you want to win can have a huge impact on how much actual fun you have.
NicolaiBolas is back with 5 tips to help you perform while drafting Kamigawa: Neon Dynasty, and even ninjas in a bonus tip right at the end.
How do you prep for a new Limited format? NicolaiBolas offers some solid advice to help get you ready for Kamigawa: Neon Dynasty.
NicolaiBolas shares some great tips for upping your cube game just in time for its return to Arena!
NicolaiBolas shares his thoughts on how you can still have fun and get results in a bomb-heavy environment like Innistrad: Crimson Vow.
Once a format is solved it's hard to eke out that edge. NicolaiBolas shares some thoughts on delving into "Bad" cards looking for advantages.