Orren McKay puts together a Primal Surge deck led by the Shattergang Brothers. Our sympathies to the pod.
Orren McKay puts together a Primal Surge deck led by the Shattergang Brothers. Our sympathies to the pod.
Orren Mckay opens 2020 by taking us through his process for upgrading Commander Precons. First up, Atla.
One of the major complaints about Magic: the Gathering is the cost. With Commander/EDH being an eternal format, it can be somewhat less expensive than chasing rotating Standard, but with the depth of the card pool and playability of costly reserved list cards, price can still be a major factor.
Orren McKay ruminates on the many useful one drops that appear throughout his Commander decks. And a few that get left in the box.
Orren Mckay returns with answers for some of the burning questions EDH players have, an Ashling list, and the start of a new Golos build.
Orren Mckay returns to Cardsphere to discuss the various hooks that get EDH player building new decks. What's your hook?
Orren Mckay returns to take a look at what went wrong with her highness, Queen Marchesa.
Orren Mckay joins us to talk about building Commander on a budget. To start things up, have a look at Tatyova, one of the great uncommon commanders from Dominaria.